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Data import

The import feature (accessible under Settings > Data Import) allows updating and creating instances using Excel data for existing concepts. If the import results in an error, this documentation can be consulted: The data import ends up with an error.

Below is an explanation of how the feature works.

Import Destination

The import destination is the main concept where the data is imported. It serves as the location for matching instances based on one or more fields.

Instance Matching

Matching is performed using one or multiple fields, ensuring uniqueness (e.g., name and status, where only one instance exists with that combination of values).

  • Instances can either already exist or not exist in the import destination.

  • Instances that do not exist can either be skipped or created.

Matching Fields

  • A combination of fields can be used for matching instances.

    • For example, uniqueness can be defined by a combination of name and status, ensuring that only one instance exists with this specific combination.

  • Fields that can be used for matching include: Text, Number, Association n-1, External ID, Date, Timeseries.

  • For associations, target instances :

    • Can be matched using a single field, which may be of type Text, Number or Date.

    • May or may not already exist. If they do not exist, they can be created during the import process.

Fields Mapping

Fields mapping defines what information needs to be updated during the import process.

  • Fields that can be updated include: Text, Number, Association n-1, Association n-n, Association n-n, External ID, Date, Timeseries.

  • For associations, the same applies as in Import destination.


The preview provides an overview of what will be imported. It is a critical step for verifying the data before proceeding with the import.

Preview Details

  • A table showing updates and creations for the main concept (Import destination).

  • Additional tables displaying creations for target concepts (via associations) if instances are being created.

Final Import table

After the import is complete, a summary table is generated, providing a detailed summary of the imported data.

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