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[Data import] The Data import ends up with an error

First and foremost, there is no need for concern—no data has been impacted. It is possible to reattempt the import at any time. However, before proceeding, please review the following checklist to ensure a successful import:

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Everything will be done based on the rights of the person performing the import. Thus, it is necessary to check if:

Do you have the rights to edit instances that will be updated with that import?

The instances defined in the import destination are edited.

Do you have the rights to create instances that will be created with that import?

If missing instances in the import destination are configured to be created, or if associations point to missing instances that are set to be created, the user performing the import must have the rights to create instances for the relevant concept(s).

Do you have the rights to overwrite workflows for the updated workflow field(s)?

Statuses are changed by overwriting existing workflows, without triggering any workflow transitions.

Special fields

Does the import update external key field(s)?

Please ensure the following:

  1. If Prevent key stealing is checked, verify that no data in the Excel file overwrites existing keys.

  2. If an Accepted format is defined, ensure that the imported data adheres to the accepted format. (Note: The data format is not validated during the preview stage.)

Does the import update workflow field(s)?

See question above.

Data updates

Has any data been updated between the preview and the time of import ?

It is possible that impactful data may have changed (e.g., an instance that should have been updated was deleted) if the platform experienced significant activity. To verify this, the Excel file can be re-uploaded.

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